In Simferopol, the first celebration dedicated to the Commemoration Day of St. Gury (Karpov), Archbishop of Tauris

Chinese Orthodox Church

The celebrations began on March 28 in SS Peter and Paul Cathedral of Simferopol, where since the elevation of St. Gury to the list of Saints – August 23, 2008 and where his holy relics reside. The Vigil with Akathist was celebrated by Metropolitan Lazarus of Simferopol and Krimea to St. Gury before the shrine with his holy relics decorated with natural flowers, that was brought to the center of the church.

The festively decorated icon of “The Synaxis of the Holy Chinese Martyrs” is near the place in the altar, where the holy relics of Archbishop Gury are kept. The Holy Chinese Martyrs are the spiritual children of Saint Gury, who lived 18 years in China, first as a member and later as chief of the Beijing mission; he perfectly mastered the Chinese language, fluently speaking and writing it. He translated books of New Testament, the Psalter, Sacred History, and a number of prayer books into Chinese. Works of St. Gury in China, similar to the Apostles, yielded rich fruits to the church — hundreds of Chinese became Orthodox. During the so-called “Boxer” insurrection on the night of 23 to 24 June (according to the new calendar) in the year 1900, 222 spiritual children of Saint Gury, led by the Chinese priest — martyr Mitrophan — have received a martyr’s death.

March 17/30 was appointed as the Commemoriation Day of St. Gury (Karpov), Archbishop of Tauris He was glorified on May 18, 2008 by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

In 2009 with the blessing of Metropolitan Lazarus – the ruling hierarch of Simferopol and Crimean Diocese, the feastday celebration to the St. Gury, was postponed to March 28-29. A group of young Orthodox pilgrims from Greece, headed by Archimandrite Nektarios Antonopulos – abbot of the Savior-Transfiguration Monastery in the city of Thebes, who were in Crimea during the same time, took part in the celebrations dedicated to St Gury’s memory.

On March 29, His Eminence Metropolitan Lazarus with Crimean clergy and Archimandrite Nektarios, with a large confluence of the people of God served the hierarchical Divine Liturgy in SS Peter and Paul Cathedral of Simferopol. After the Divine Liturgy Metropolitan Lazarus appealed to the flock with his homily, in which he called for each of us to use as a model faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ and service to people, which was manifested in the life of St. Gury. Secretary Alexander Yakushechkin – provost of the diocese, delivered the sermon on the importance of deeds of Archbishop Gury, warmly loving the Church of Christ, his flock, the city of Simferopol, where after 14 years of archpastoral service he ended his glorious journey in life.

For 14 years, Archbishop Gury of Tauris and Simferopol (in the world Grigory Platonovich Karpov, 1814-1882), headed the department of Tauris, significantly consolidated the position of Orthodoxy in Crimea, was actively working to strengthen existing parishes and to create new ones. Vladyka Gury has done much for the diocese: found funds for the construction of Theological Seminary, Consistory, male Spiritual College, applied to the Synod for dispersement of funds for the reconstruction of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, donated funds to the development of the monasteries, founded in Simferopol the Tauris bishop’s residence. During his time seminary of Tauris was opened, “Tauris eparchial statements” magazine began publication.

The blessed repose of the hierarch occurred on March 17/30, 1882. His holy body was buried in the crypt of Alexander Nevski Cathedral. Before the destruction of the church in 1929, relics of Archbishop Gury and four other priests were translated to the city cemetery close to the Church of All Saints. During the reburial of the remains of the saint in the middle of XX century, they discovered that they remained incorrupt and a miracle happened: from accidental damage to the hand of Vladyka, while moving the tomb, blood flowed out. Eyewitnesses of this event testified that, after 47 years after the burial, the body of prelate was incorruptible, even the habit survived. Parishioners in the memorial notes wrote: “netlennopochivayuschego (meaning imperishably resting) Archbishop Gury”.

In addition to numerous examples of clairvoyance (seeing present and future) that Bishop Gury has shown during his earthly life, there are numerous documented cases of his miraculous appearance to different persons, and healing received after intercessory prayer to him.

During the Great Patriotic War Vladyka came in a dream to a devout nun, and said that he will save their city from destruction. Indeed, despite the battles that took place in Crimea, Simferopol remained virtually untouched. In times of Khrushchev persecution of the church, Archbishop Gury came (in a dream) to the spiritual father of Archbishop Luke – Archimandrite Tikhon (Boguslavets), giving through him advice to the Ruling Hierarch how to administer the diocese; about this event Archbishop Luke wrote in the letter to His Holiness Patriarch Alexis I of Moscow and All Russia.

Evidence of healings and miracles taking place in our time through the intercession of St. Gury are received constantly in SS Peter and Paul Cathedral.


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