Divine sign or coincidence: Orthodox patriarch’s birthdays and Morsy-Mubarak trials coincide

Sherif al-Dawakhly  – 7/11/13 

Some Coptic Christians are celebrating the dates of Morsy’s and Mubarak’s trials as a divine sign, since they both coincide with the birthday of two patriarchs of the Orthodox Church.
The 61 birthday of Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate, coincided with the trial, which was scheduled today, of Morsy before Cairo Court at the Police Academy. His trial in the case of the killing demonstrators in front of the Ettehadeya Presidential Palace, however, has since been rescheduled to 8 January.
The irony is that the same day marks the first anniversary of choosing Pope Tawadros to lead Egypt’s Coptic Church, which he celebrated with a simple Mass at the St. Bishoy Monastery, rejecting any birthday celebrations.
Sources told Al-Masry Al-Youm that the Pope presided over the mass with a group of monks of St. Bishoy Monastery to celebrate the anniversary of the poll to choose a new pope, not to celebrate his birthday, since he does not glorify himself.
Meanwhile, the trial of former President Hosni Mubarak, which was held at the same venue and with the same charges on 3 August, coincided with the birthday of late Pope Shenouda III, something which was celebrated by Christian Internet forums, saying that the sky is working for “salvation.”
Christian groups on social networks linked both coincidences together, saying that this is a message to the Copts of Egypt to stand still because they are on the right.
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