2010 Orthodox Mission Team Opportunities Now Available


Andrew Lekos (10/20/2009)

The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) in St. Augustine, Florida, is offering you the opportunity to join one of the Orthodox Mission Teams in 2010. Acknowledge your commitment in implementing Christ’s Great Commission by serving on a short-term mission team.

There is a need to present a visible expression of the love, unity, and support that truly exists within the Holy Orthodox Church around the world; to share the teachings of the Faith and to provide needy communities around the globe with labor; and to increase awareness of overseas churches and the unending mission efforts of the Church. Your continued support of Orthodox missions is greatly needed, and you can help by serving on a Mission Team.

Orthodox Mission Teams will travel and assist Orthodox communities on various projects. Mission Team efforts in 2010 include:

* Alaska I – Outreach; June 4 – 13, 2010; cost, $845
* Alaska II – Teaching; July 12 – 24, 2010; cost, $1140
* Albania – Youth Camp; June 13 – 30, 2010; cost, $1125
* Guatemala – Youth Camp; July 7 – 20, 2010; cost, $840
* India – Teaching; October 6 – 23, 2010; cost, $1360
* Kenya – Teaching; February 19 – March 1, 2010; cost, $1410
* Madagascar – Teaching; August 1 – August 20, 2010; cost, $1905
* Romania – Youth Camp; July 9 – 21, 2010; cost, $1615
* South Africa – Teaching; October 6 – 21, 2010; cost, $1775
* South Korea – Youth Camp; July 23 – August 7, 2010; cost, $1315
* Tanzania – Teaching; July 22 – August 7, 2010; cost, $1585
* Uganda – Health Care; June 11 – 26, 2010; cost, $1880
* Zimbabwe – Teaching; August 22 – September 9, 2010; cost, $1990

Airfare to and from location is not included. Team members are encouraged to raise support to create awareness and funds to cover the cost. Teams require hard workers wishing to participate and who are willing to share the Faith. Team members assemble for a pre-field briefing prior to departing for service. Visit our website http://teams.ocmc.org for additional details and to apply.

Thank you for your continuous interest and support of the Church’s mission work. Please encourage others to participate in this life changing experience. We look forward to hearing from you regarding your participation on an Orthodox Mission Team and for you to share in a journey of faith.


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