Bishop Panteleimon in Congo

14/2/13 – Patriarcate of Alexandri and All Africa

With the paternal prayers and blessing of His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, His Grace Panteleimon, Bishop of Brazzaville and Gabon arrived in the city of Pointe Noire, second largest city of the Congo on Friday 8th February 2013. At the International Airport His Grace was welcomed by the Very Reverend Archimandrite Theologos Chrysanthakopoulos, the clergy, local authorities and many faithful.

In the afternoon of the same day the official welcome of the Bishop took place in the temporary Cathedral of St Dimitrios in the city of Pointe Noire, where the see of the Diocese of Brazzaville and Gabon is situated and a doxology was sung. The addresses of the Very Reverend Archimandrite Theologos Chrysanthakopoulos, Reverend Protopresbyter Maximos Oumba, the Parish Priest of the Cathedral and of the Honourable Mr. Celestin Ngaepio, Chairman of the Church Council followed, as they expressed the joyous emotions of the Christian faithful of the local Church on the coming of their Shepherd. During his reply, His Grace Panteleimon spoke of the responsibility of the service of a  Bishop and the importance  of missionary work, while also passing on the blessings and the ceaseless concern of the Venerable Primate of the Apostolic and Patriarchal Throne of St Mark to the Orthodox Christians of the Congo and Gabon, as well as to the whole of Africa. He then convened the first synaxis of the clergy of the Diocese and hosted a dinner for them.

It is to be noted that next Monday, 11th February, His Grace will travel to the city of Dolisie, where the Parish Community of St Irene is situated, as well as the educational institutions and the orphanage of the Diocese and from there, on Wednesday 13th February he will visit the Parish Community of te Transfiguration of the Saviour in the city of Nkayi.



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