Aram I congratulates Tawadros II as new Coptic Orthodox Pope


PanARMENIAN.Net – Archbishops Sebouh Sarkissian and Nareg Alemezian traveled to Cairo to represent His Holiness Aram I and the Catholicosate of Cilicia at the enthronement of Tawadros II as the new Coptic Orthodox Pope.

In his message, read out by Archbishop Sebouh, His Holiness Aram I referred first to the long historical relations between the Coptic and Armenian Orthodox Churches since the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD. After the division of the Orthodox churches, the two sister churches worked together to counter the heretic groups weakening their communities.

His Holiness emphasized the importance of the ecumenical movement as an instrument of the churches to work together. He also mentioned the Christian presence in the Middle East, and said, “For centuries, Christians and Muslims have lived together in the Middle East. The two Monotheistic religions should continue living together by affirming their common values and by respecting their differences.”

At the end of his message, His Holiness Aram I called on Pope Tawadros II to strengthen relations between Oriental Orthodox Churches in the Middle East through the Meeting of the Heads of Oriental Orthodox Churches and the activities of its committees. The meeting was established 15 years ago by the Coptic Orthodox Church, the Syriac Orthodox Church and the Armenian Church (Catholicosate of Cilicia).



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