New dome for New Haven orthodox church


NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) — Robbed of an iconic piece of their historic church by storms, a New Haven place of worship is whole again.

“We wanted to make it more beautiful than it was before,” said Father Michael Westerberg.

The restoration of the onion dome at the Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church on Alden Street in New Haven was necessitated by merciless weather.

“We noticed the damage after last fall, between the hurricane and then the couple of strong windstorms that we had,” Westerberg said.

Four months in the making, the five-ton cupola is adorned with some 400 copper plates and 500 rosette rivets.

The work was done by Woodbridge Roofing. “He gave me pictures of different Russian churches, and that’s how we came up with the design, with the triangles, the little emblems and stuff,” said Paul Lavertue.

Its beauty meets the standards of a third-generation parishioner.

“I cried when we were singing because it means a lot to me, very much,” Natalie Kruchok said. “And, I hope this is the last one I see going up.”

Go up, it did, after many challenges.

“The height, the ability to get up there. There’s only one way with a 135-foot lift,” Lavertue explained.

The eighth commandment is not taken for granted even on church property.

“Having to have 24-7 security so no one would steal the copper,” said Lavertue.

Built not just for beauty but for endurance, it is hoped that this third cupola in the church’s 45 years will last much longer than the people who put it there.

“We did everything completely possible to make it last 100-plus years,” Lavertue said. “Everything from the wood to the fasteners.”

“It was a blessing that God sent it to us,” said Kruchok.


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