The Feast of Theophany in Tirana(Albania)
His Beatitude, Archbishop Anastasios celebrated the Divine Liturgy and the Service of Sanctification of the Waters accompanied by the clergy and both the byzantine and european choirs. He explained to the faithful that the day of the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ signified the beginning of His saving mission. The feast is called the “feast of light” because God is the light and has appeared unto us; He appeared revealing the mystery of the Holy Trinity. The Father witnessed that Jesus is not merely a man, but theanthropos, both God and man, in whom the divine and human nature are united.
The Archbishop emphasized that this day of the manifestation of our Trinitarian God from on high is the entrance to the road of salvation for all. With His baptism, Christ begins to preach the coming of the
After the Service of the Blessing of the Waters, the faithful took the blessed water home for their families and relatives in order to use it to heal both the body and soul.
It is worth noting that this year there was an increased interest by the media, who reported on the events in the local newspapers and televised the services to the Albanian public.