Orthphoto.net 5th Anniversary Photo Exhibition

With God’s help and mercy, www.orthphoto.net has existed for five years. Our website has grown to international proportions – it has become the biggest web gallery of photographs representing Orthodox Christianity of all Orthodox Churches from 70 countries around the world.

Since the launching over 2800 authors have logged in the website and uploaded over 33 000 photographs. Every day our users publish around 25 new pictures; each one is viewed 200-300 times. OrthPhoto has accumulated over 900 000 comments and marks posted under the photographs and over 3 400 comments on forum. We are visited by an average of 1300 people daily, whereas during the 5 years of our existence we have registered visits from more than 100 countries.

The site is now available in 10 language versions, with the tendency this number will grow in the years to come.

The most important event in the year of our anniversary will certainly be the exhibition showcasing 300 photos from 170 orthphoto authors from 43 countries.
An International Workshop in Suprasl, Poland, changes on the web home page and the voting system will also mark this year’s anniversary activity of orthphoto.net.

The small volunteer team invites you to browse our pages, post your own works and join the conversations with other users of OrthPhoto. If you have any suggestions of how the site could improve, please let us know!


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    835672 695387Deference to op , some superb selective details . 444525

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