Meeting Related to the Cathedral of the Nation’s Salvation at the Patriarchal Palace

Romanian Orthodox Church

On 15 June 2012, the working session of the builders of the Cathedral of the Nation’s Salvation with representatives of the Romanian Patriarchate took place at the Patriarchate Palace. His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel was also present.

“Today, BOG’ART firm presented the technological project of the works to be done for underground 3, 2, 1 from benchmark -16 till benchmark 00. This technological project shows how a construction can be raised so as to observe the quality elements, namely the term, time, intrinsic quality of the construction, having been an example of how a construction should be treated. The form of this technological project will be finalised on 29 November 2012”, Eng. Nicolae Noica declared for Trinitas Television station.

During the session the achievement of the resistance structure of the building was also presented.

“A work of great value from the point of view of the work to be done is being finalised and to have an idea about its size we should keep in mind that 25,000 cubic metres concrete have been cast so far and 25,000 cubic metres must still be cast. At the same time, almost 10,000 tons of armatures have been used. This foundation makes a very good link with the terrain of founding so that this cathedral should resist the seismic movements that will occur and we are sure that an earthquake that may occur in 500 years time will not affect this cathedral”, prof. Eng. Nicolae Noica also added.

During the discussions all the stages of the construction of the Cathedral of the Nation’s Salvation were presented.


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