Syrian Orthodox Church
St. Ephrem Monastery, SYRIA: Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka-I Iwas, the Patriarch of Antioch & All the East and the Supreme head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church, has signed the historic bull permitting to recite the name of ST. ATHANASIUS PAULOSE, the former Malankara Metropolitan & the head of the Malankara Jacobite Syrian Church in the 5th Tubden. The concerned bull No.152/2009 dt. 18th September 2009, will be read in all Malankara churches soon. The name of Mor Athanasius Paulose will be remembered in all the Jacobite Syrian churches worldwide after the names of St. Gregorios Abdul Jaleel and St. Osthatheos Sleeba.
St. Athanasious Paulose, an ardent disciple of St. Gregorios Geevarghese of Parumala, is the second Indian after St. Gregorios whose name will be recited universally in the Holy Mass. (It was way back in 1987 the name of St. Gregorios of Parumala was included in the 5th Tubden to be remembered worldwide along with the names of Patriarch St. Ignatius Elias III and Maphryono St. Baselios Yeldho, which was incidentally the first addition after more than 12 centuries in the history of the Malankara Syrian Church.)
For the Malankara Syrian Church and its faithful this is a joyful and pride moment particularly in this centenary year of the Metropolitan-consecration of the holy father.