Prominent Coptic activist calls on Minister of Justice to investigate Two Saints Church bombing

A delegation of rights activists have called upon the Ministry of Justice to investigate the bombing of the Two Saints Church in Alexandria.

A delegation of rights activists have called upon the Ministry of Justice to investigate the bombing of the Two Saints Church in Alexandria.

Mohamed Abdel Salam

CAIRO: Prominent Coptic activist and lawyer Naguib Gabriel, the head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization, called upon Adel Abdul-Hamid, Egypt’s Minister of Justice, to mandate an investigation into the bombings of the Two Saints Church in Alexandria, which took place on December 31, 2011.

Gabriel and delegation from his organization went to the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice to meet with officials in order to demand that necessary actions take place in order to investigate the incident, which left 28 Egyptian dead and more than 300 injured.

The delegation submitted ”Memorandum No. 125 for the year 2012,” to the officials of the minister’s office, explaining to them what some reports have indicated that members of the former regime and former State Security Service were involved in the incident.

“A lot of speculation and rumors have been raised about the massacre, which in turn raised several questions about the reason not to open investigations in this massacre in particular, while subsequent incidents were investigated by the Attorney General and Ministry of Justice …we do not believe that this massacre of less importance,” read the memorandum.

He added that “the delay of investigations into the massacre makes Copts wonder whether they are citizens and have the full right of citizenship.”



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