Religious Leader: West Seeking to Hit Damascus through Foreign Opposition


TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Syrian religious figure said western countries are using foreign-based opposition groups to hit the Syrian nation and government as a main part of the Resistance front in the region.

Speaking to FNA, Head of the Syrian Orthodox Court Nazar Mobadi divided the Syrian oppositions into two groups, oppositions at home and oppositions abroad, and added that those opposition forces who are inside the country are truly after reforms and people’s righteous demands.

But foreign-based opposition groups, Mobadi said, are following the policies of the western countries and enemies of Syria and “are seeking to destroy not only the ruling system but also the Syrian nation and government”.

“No doubt, the Syrian opposition is being supported from abroad, the issue is visible in the way that armed groups are killing innocent people and Syrian soldiers,” he noted.

“Everybody knows that these groups are using US and Israeli weapons,” Mobadi stated, but at the same time stated that these groups have failed to reach their inauspicious goals.

His remarks about western countries’ involvement in arming Syrian opposition groups came days after a prominent Lebanese analyst said that the US is using the al-Qaeda elements to carry out terrorist attacks in Syria and destabilize the Arab state.

Speaking to FNA, Director of the Arab and International Strategic Studies Center Qaleb Qandil said that Washington has freed hundreds of al-Qaeda prisoners in Iraq before withdrawing its forces from the war-torn country and infiltrated these terrorists into Syria to carry out attacks against the Syrian people.

He pointed to the recent terrorist bombings in Damascus that killed dozens of people, and stated, “The incident reminds us of those cases in which the US and its allies provoked the al-Qaeda elements in the region.”

Qandil stated that hundreds of al-Qaeda elements have penetrated into Syria through the country’s borders with Lebanon and Jordan and now Iraq.

The Friday attacks in Damascus hit two bases belonging to the Syrian security service, killing 55 people.

the Syrian state media blamed the attacks on the al-Qaeda, but analysts believe that the surge in terrorist blasts in Iraq and Syria at a time of the US military withdrawal from Iraq is much suspicious.


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