Archbishop Hanna: Awareness and Wisdom of Syrians will Foil Conspiracy


OCCUPIED JERUSALEM,(SANA)- Archbishop of the Sebastian Roman Orthodox Church, Attallah Hanna affirmed that the terrorist attacks which took place in Damascus are a message to all the Arab nation and not only to Syria.

He indicated that the conspiracy hatched against Syria is due to its confrontation of the colonial-Zionist scheme, reiterating that the awareness and wisdom of the Syrian people and their adherence to their national unity and their support to their leadership will foil the conspiracy.

In an interview with the Syrian TV on Sunday, the Archbishop considered that what is taking place in the region is a new Sykes-Picot project aiming at dividing the region and liquidating the Palestinian cause.

He called upon all the Arabs to recognize the danger of the current stage which the region is passing through, and to stand by Syria and its people in the face of this dangerous plot.

He said that the Palestinian people support the Syrians in face of the systematic terrorism, crimes and sabotage which aim at stirring sedition among the Syrians who represent a sample of co-existence, amity and national unity.

He called upon the Syrian people to unite their ranks in order to thwart the conspiracy hatched against Syria.

He expressed deep regret that the Arab leaders have forgotten the Palestinian cause, affirming that Syria is the only steadfast country in the region as it has always resisted the Zionist-US project.

He pointed out that some mass media and figures are partners in the conspiracy which targets Syria and the unity of the Arab nation and the pan-Arab project.

He warned the thinkers and intellectuals not to be charmed by the slogans of democracy and freedom launched by the West to achieve their goals in the region.

R. al-Jazaeri /


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    Maxim 13 years

    It is so sad and pathetic to see Bishops to be used as dhimmi pawns for the cause of Islamic supremacism. “Occupied Jerusalem” “Zionist-Colonialist conspiracy”. Lol!!!! Let us pray for the fear and the 2nd class status that Christians must endure in the long established Islamic crusaders/colonialists.

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