Qashisho Habib Önder, A senior priest of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Germany honored by the German Government


Rev. Fr. Habib Önder, a senior priest of the Holy Syriac Orthodox Church in Germany was honoured by the German government for his outstanding charity works since 1989 and also for his dedicated work among the sister churches, within the syriac as well as non syriac community. This is one of the highest hounour of the country. The medal (a golden cross) and the certificate signed by the Federal President of Germany, Mr. Christian Wulff, was presented to the Qashisho Habib Önder, among others, on December 5, 2011 by the Minister of state of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann in the palace of Suttgart. Mor Julius Dr. Hanna Aydin, the head of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Germany attended the ceremony as a special invite. Many dignified persons including the Turkish consul were present during the occasion.

During the speech the honorable Minister Winfried Kretschmann spoke very long about the life of Qashisho Habib Önder, about his hard work for church and humanity – since 1989. After the laudatory speech the bishop and Turkish consul also applauded the great work of Qashisho Habib. This award is being bestowed on a Syriac Orthodox priest for the first time and is considered as a great honour for the Syriac Church in whole Europe itself.


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