Archbishop Hanna: Syria Will Emerge Stronger From Current Crisis


QUNEITRA, (SANA)_ Archbishop Theodosios Atallah Hanna of Sebastia, from the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem called on the Syrian people to adhere to their unity and coherence to foil conspirators’ plot against Syria to ever remain the state of freedom, democracy and history.

” We and all the Palestinian people condemn the dangerous plot against Syria due to its pan-Arab positions and permanent defense of the Palestinian and Arab rights,” the Archbishop said during a visit to the occupied Syrian Golan on Wednesday heading a delegation of Orthodox establishments in Jerusalem.

He added that the visit is a message from Jerusalem to the Syrian people backing them to unite efforts and thwart the conspiracy and defeat conspirators.

” We came form Jerusalem to express solidarity with Syria’s people and leadership, rejecting this suspicious and unprecedented incitement campaign which Syria is exposed to,” Hanna said, expressing confidence that Syria will emerge stronger from the crisis thanks to its leadership and people’s awareness of this dangerous scheme.



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