Teodosije: Partition of Kosovo could lead to Escalation of Violence


DECANI, June 3. (TANJUG). Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Bishop of Raska and Prizren Teodosije stated Thursday that any partition of Kosovo could lead to escalation of violence, in which the Serb people would suffer the most.

Commenting on the statements certain Serbian politicians recently made about Kosovo’s partition, Teodosije said that those were just personal statements, which is something that is typical of any political environment.

“I firmly believe that state officials, in conformity with the Constitution, will preserve Kosovo-Metohija and that they will do nothing to the detriment of the people there. Kosovo and Metohija should not be divided, and it should stay as it has always been,” Teodosije said in a statement for Radio Gracanica.

The Bishop of Raska and Prizren underlined that any partition could lead to escalation of violence, and “we know that it will be our people (Serbs) that will suffer the most in that case”.


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