Foundation Blessing Service held for St. Anna Church in Yerevan


On April 30, the Foundation Blessing service for the St. Anna Church in Yerevan, being constructed on the grounds of the historical Holy Kathoghike Church of Astvatsatsin, was held under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. In attendance for the service was the President of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Serzh Sargsian; President of the Republic of Armenia Constitutional Court, Mr. Gagik Harutyunian; Mayor of Yerevan, Mr. Karen Karapetian and many guests. The Church and pontifical residence are being built due to the generosity of benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Hrair and Anna Hovnanian of the United States.

During the service, the Pontiff of All Armenians along with His Eminence Archbishop Grigoris Buniatian, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Ukraine; His Eminence Archbishop Navasard Kjoyan, Vicar General of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese; and His Grace Bishop Arshak Khachatrian, Chancellor of the Mother See; consecrated 16 cross etched stones with Holy Muron. The consecrated stones were placed in the foundation of the building by the 16 Godfathers. Serving as the Godfathers were: Mr. Hrair Hovnanian, Mr. Vahagn Hovnanian, Mr. Radik Vanounts, Mr. Martin Avetisian, Mr. Arthur Alexanian, Mr. Vahagn Movsisian, Mr. Ashot Poghosian, Mr. Ashot Ghazarian, Mr. Arayik Yaghjian, Mr. Gevorg Yaghjian, Mr. Arsen Vardanian, Mr. Avo Khalatian, Mr. Vahe Shkhrdmian, Mr. Garik Chilingarian, Mr. Hayk Shatverian, and Mr. Eduard Balasanian.
Following the placement of the stones, His Grace Arshak Khachatrian read a commemorative plaque written in honor of the Ground Blessing service. “By the will of Merciful God, on April 30, 2011, a Foundation Blessing service was held for the St. Anna Church and Yerevan Pontifical Residence, being built through the generosity of the national benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Hrair and Anna Hovnanian, for the glorification of God, the welfare of our Church and the embellishment of the spiritual life of our nation.

The newly built Church will grant blessings to our sacred land, serving for the rebirth and welfare of the spiritual life of our God-loving nation. May St. Anna always be the intercessor before Almighty God for the Armenians, for the Armenian nation and for the Armenian Church.
May the Omnipotent God bless the honored benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Hirair and Anna Hovnanian and their descendents, granting them many vibrant days of life and success in their nation-devoted and Church-building activities”, the commemorative plaque stated in part. Following the service, His Holiness invited Benefactor Hrayr Hovnanian to place the commemorative plaque in the construction of the foundation of the building.

At the conclusion of the service, the Pontiff of All Armenians toured the grounds to review the progress of construction. The construction is being carried out by the Chilingarian Design Construction Company.


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