4 Chains, 12 Bells – What Is It?
Orthodox Africa – 15/8/17
Father Constantinos and Presbytera Triza are working towards St. Irene Orthodox Mission Center being self-reliant and self-sustaining; all with the purpose of following Jesus’ command in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, where He said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these. When He had placed His hands on them, He went on from there. Orphaned and poor children are vulnerable to the evils in the world. The first step of introducing these children to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is to feed and clothe them, provide them with clean drinking water and warmth, not just of body but of soul.
Education is one of the most important ways to raise a person out of poverty and hunger. St. Irene Mission Center provides a well-rounded education to these vulnerable children infected and affected by HIV/AIDs who are under their care. Raising them to be strong in the Lord gives the children the tools to be strong in their lives, no matter what happens to them. In the following video, Fr. Constantinos teaches the children about the censer; its purpose and its symbolism. Do you know what the four chains symbolize? Listen and learn with the students.
Being strong in body is just as important as being strong in mind and heart. In the following video, the children learn song and dance. Join them in their physical education!
His Eminence, Archbishop Makarios, Metropolitan of Kenya, visited the orphanage and education center. The joy and love of Christ he brings with him blesses us all. In his message he spoke about the lack of rain and the food shortage in the area being a great concern of the Director, Father Constantinos. Further, he commended the good work being done in educating the children not only with regular classes but, more so, with the spiritual teachings and food given by the Grace of God. His Eminence made a special request to all supporters to please share in the work by speaking with friends and neighbors and continuing with their regular donations.
His Eminence took time to speak to all of the children about God and His Love for them.
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