28. Jun NGO Extends Help to Serbs Stuck Abroad (COVID-19)

28 Jun NGO – 25/3/2020

 To all Serbs stuck abroad:

– Tell us where you are stuck and how many Serbs are there

– Tell us who your community leader as they will be responsible for sharing all information with your community

– We will then release a list of community leaders in each country/region in charge of updating other Serbs on flights, visa regulations, housing, financial assistance

– We will release the numbers of stuck Serbs in each country and based on this make recommendations to Air Serbia/Serbian government for rescue flights

Please contact covid19@28jun.org with the following information:

1) Where are you and how many other Serbs are there who wish to return to Serbia

2) Who is the ‘community leader’ in your country and their name, email and phone number

3) What problems you are experiencing (visa regulations, housing, lack of health insurance, financial assistance).


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