Metropolitan Abba Seraphim’s Book in Response to ‘Western Rites of Syriac-Malankara Orthodox Churches’ Published

Ben Kunjacko – Public Relations Officer @ OCP-MARP – 28/10/2018

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Metropolitan- Primate Abba Seraphim (of Glastonbury) of the British Orthodox Church has published a book titled  ‘As Far as the East is From the West‘.

The new book of Metropolitan Abba Seraphim is in response to the OCP-MARP publication Western Rites of Syriac-Malankara Orthodox Churches which was released on 25th August 2018 at Sofia Center (Old Seminary) in association with the Ecumenical Relations Dept. of the Malankara Church.

To complement our important study and research, Metropolitan Abba Seraphim, using extensive material from the library and archives of the British Orthodox Church has written:

As Far as the East is From the West. Sidelights on Assyrian Church History, No. 5 in the Seraphic Press’ series “Byways of Church History” (ISBN 978-0-244-42261-5), Hardback, v + 279 pp. + illustrations. £23.00.

OCP Delegation Meeting with Metropolitan Abba Seraphim & the members of the Eastern Christian Links in 2009

OCP Delegation Meeting with Metropolitan Abba Seraphim & the members of the Eastern Christian Links in 2009

Metropolitan-Primate Abba Seraphim of the British Orthodox Church is a great friend and well-wisher of Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE. in 2010, the OCP (formerly OBL)delegation received Metropolitan Abba Seraphim and members of the Eastern Christian Links. 

Dr. Ajesh T. Phillip (Head and Chief Research Officer of MARP) stated that ‘OCP-MARP considers the new work by Metropolitan Abba Seraphim work as a great honor to our humble and ongoing efforts (since 2009) on the research and study of Saintly Metropolitan Alvares Julius, Archbishop Rene Vilatte, their companions, and the Western Rite Orthodox Churches’.

According to the British Orthodox portal:
‘This summer Dr. Ajesh T. Philip and George Alexander’s published an important study, Western Rites of Syriac-Malankara Orthodox Churches. The Mission Untold (OCP Publications: 2018) which was written under the auspices of OCP-MARP (Metropolitan Alvares Julius Research Project) as part of their research and study of the work, mission and life of the legendary Metropolitan-Archbishop Mar Julius I (1836-1923) of the Syriac-Malankara Orthodox Churches. It extended its remit to cover the Chaldean Syrian-Malankara Churches, which historically and theologically originate from their connection with the ancient Church of the East, whose theology derives from the Nestorian rather than the Orthodox faith’.

About the book
Early in the twentieth century an Englishman, Ulric Vernon Herford (1866-1938) living in Oxford, received episcopal consecration from an Indian bishop of the Syro-Chaldean succession. Although the ministry of ‘Mar Jacobus’, the religious name by which he was known, was relatively small, his impact on the local religious scene was significant. This study, subtitled “Sidelights on Assyrian Church History” attempts to explain the historical context in which these events took place as well as the dynamics of the ancient Assyrian Church of the East, from which Mar Jacobus derived his mission. On the death of his consecrator, he inherited the oversight of the communities in southern India, which others who came after him claimed to inherit.


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