Russian Church Highlights Persecution of Christians in Syria

UNITED NATIONS (RIA Novosti) 24/10/2012 The Russian Orthodox Church is worried about the persecution of Christians in Syria and other Arab countries where regimes changed rapidly, a top Church official said. “We are deeply worried by what is going on in Syria, where radical forces are trying to come to power with the help of Western powers,” Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Russian Church’s Department of External Church Relations, told journalists.

UNITED NATIONS (RIA Novosti) 24/10/2012 The Russian Orthodox Church is worried about the persecution of Christians in Syria and other Arab countries where regimes changed rapidly, a top Church official said. “We are deeply worried by what is going on in Syria, where radical forces are trying to come to power with the help of Western powers,” Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Russian Church’s Department of External Church Relations, told journalists.

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Russian Church Highlights Persecution of Christians in Syria

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