Pope Tawadros II Received Holders of Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in Coptic Studies

Pope Tawadros II Received Holders of Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in Coptic Studies


Gerges Mounir Hanna – OCP News Service – 01/08/2023

Cairo-Egypt: On July 29, 2023, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II met with the members of the Coptic Antiquities Society, and a number of specialists who obtained master’s and doctorate degrees in Coptic studies from Egyptian universities. The meeting was part of the annual conference of the Coptic Antiquities Society under the title  “Luminous Theses in Coptic Studies at the Egyptian University”.

The meeting was attended by heads of Coptic departments and professors in Egyptian universities. His Holiness listened to a summary of twenty-four master’s and doctoral theses in all fields of Coptic studies, which were delivered during the conference, including nine doctoral theses and twenty-five master’s theses.

At the end of the meeting, His Holiness granted certificates of appreciation and souvenirs to researchers, members of the Coptic Antiquities Association, and Coptic professors who attended. This meeting comes within the framework of His Holiness the Pope’s interest in supporting scientific research, especially in the field of Coptic women, as they are an important part of Egyptian identity and history.

The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Isaac Ajban, Dean of the Institute of Coptic Studies, Prof. Dr. Adel Fakhry, Vice-Dean of the Institute, Secretary of the Coptic Antiquities Association, Mr. Nabil Farouk, and the coordinator of the conference, Dr. Silvana Jorge, a lecturer at the Institute of Coptic Studies and Research at Alexandria University, and a teacher at the Institute of Coptic Studies in Cairo.

The meeting was also attended by Prof. Dr. Mona Hajjaj, Professor of Greek and Roman Antiquities and President of the Antiquities Society in Alexandria, Prof. Dr. Hussein Abdel Aziz, Professor of Roman Currency at the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Prof. Dr. Samah El-Sawy, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts for Postgraduate Studies, Damanhour University, and Prof. Dr. Adel El-Minshawi, Professor of Roman and Coptic Architecture, University of Alexandria.  Alexandria and Prof. Dr. Sameh Farouk Hanin, Professor of Byzantine Literature at the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, Prof. Dr. Sherine Sadek, Professor of Antiquities and Coptic Art and Head of the Tourism Guidance Department at the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, and Prof. Dr. Rania Mostafa, Professor of Egyptian Antiquities at the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, and Executive Director of Programs  Prof. Ahmed Talib, Assistant Professor of Coptic Language, Department of Archeology, Minia University, and Prof. Dr. Heba Naim, Assistant Professor of Greek and Roman Antiquities, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, along with a large number of professors, researchers, and those interested in Coptic studies.

OCP News Service

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