Foundation Stone Laid For New Orthodox Chapel in Tallinn (Estonia)

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OCP News Service – 4/2/22
Tallinn-Estonia: The blessing of the foundation Stone for the new St. George Orthodox Chapel took place in Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia on the 27th of January, 2022. The Chapel is dedicated to the memory of the soldiers of the North-Western Army. This event marks the restoration of the old chapel that was destroyed in 1940.
The event was blessed by Metropolitan Eugene of Tallinn and All Estonia (Moscow Patriarchate) in the presence of Mihail Kõlvart, the Mayor of Tallinn, representatives of the Kopli parish of St. George and the Society of St. George and several faithful. “Many Tallinners, including well-known people, supported the initiative to restore St. George’s Chapel, and one of the inspirers was Evgeny Tomberg. According to Orthodox tradition, donations from parishioners and philanthropists were involved in the restoration of the chapel. We thank everyone who took the restoration of the memorial to heart,” the mayor stated in his speech.
The original St. George’s Chapel was erected in 1936 at the cemetery of the North-Western Army in the Kopli district of Tallinn according to the project of architect Alexander Vladovsky. The chapel is dedicated to the memory of those who died in the Kopli typhoid hospitals of the North-Westerners. In the late 1940s, the chapel was desecrated and destroyed, the icon of the Great Martyr George the Victorious, which was in it, was shot, the cemetery of the North-Western Army was destroyed, and an electrical substation was built on its territory.
Donations are now being collected for the interior decoration of the chapel. Everyone can take part in the reconstruction and beautification of a unique historical and architectural monument.
For donations, please use below details:
Recipient: Puha Juri selts
Account number: EE631010220289989220
Description for donation: Annetus kabeli taastamiseks (Donation to rebuild the chapel)
OCP News Service