Church School Begins Classes and “Protagonists” Gymnasium in Tirana Opens for the First Time

The Albanian Orthodox Church Isidor Koti September 2012 The first day of school began on September 10th with the enthusiasm of the students and the mobilization of the teachers. According to the information that we have received from the directors of these schools, we learned that the staff has worked hard to adapt to a contemporary teaching program, and this year they will also stimulate the students to be more creative in all activities, in order to increase even more the standard and quality of the results.

The Albanian Orthodox Church Isidor Koti September 2012 The first day of school began on September 10th with the enthusiasm of the students and the mobilization of the teachers. According to the information that we have received from the directors of these schools, we learned that the staff has worked hard to adapt to a contemporary teaching program, and this year they will also stimulate the students to be more creative in all activities, in order to increase even more the standard and quality of the results.

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Church School Begins Classes and “Protagonists” Gymnasium in Tirana Opens for the First Time

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Church School Begins Classes and “Protagonists” Gymnasium in Tirana Opens for the First Time

The Albanian Orthodox Church Isidor Koti September 2012 The first day of school began on September 10th with the enthusiasm of the students and the mobilization of the teachers.

The Albanian Orthodox Church Isidor Koti September 2012 The first day of school began on September 10th with the enthusiasm of the students and the mobilization of the teachers.

Read the full news:
Church School Begins Classes and “Protagonists” Gymnasium in Tirana Opens for the First Time

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