Armenians claim roots in Diyarbakır

The Surp Giragos Church was blessed on Oct. 22 in accordance with the traditions of the Apostolic Armenian Church. DHA photo VERCİHAN ZİFLİOĞLU DİYARBAKIR – Hürriyet Daily News 23/10/2011 A group of Armenians, raised as Sunni Muslims, will be baptized today as Armenian Orthodox christians at the historic St.

The Surp Giragos Church was blessed on Oct. 22 in accordance with the traditions of the Apostolic Armenian Church. DHA photo VERCİHAN ZİFLİOĞLU DİYARBAKIR – Hürriyet Daily News 23/10/2011 A group of Armenians, raised as Sunni Muslims, will be baptized today as Armenian Orthodox christians at the historic St.

Armenians claim roots in Diyarbakır

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