The Third Meeting of the Commission for Dialogue with the Ethiopian Church Took Place in Addis Ababa

The Third Meeting of the Commission for Dialogue with the Ethiopian Church Took Place in Addis Ababa

DECR – OCP News Service – 03/10/2024

Moscow- Russia: On September 22-26, with the blessing of His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and His Holiness Patriarch Abuna Matthias I of Ethiopia, the third meeting of the Commission for Dialogue between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church was held in Addis Ababa.

The delegation of the Moscow Patriarchate included: co-chairman of the Commission, His Grace Bishop of Sergiev Posad and Dmitrov (via videoconference); secretary for inter-Christian relations of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, secretary of the Commission, Hieromonk Stefan (Igumnov); Abbess Elizabeth (Pozdnyakova) of the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy; V.V. Kipshidze, Deputy Chair of the Synodal Department for Church’s Relations with Society and Mass Media; and D.E. Arakelyan, a DECR staff member.

The following took part in the meeting on behalf of the Ethiopian Church: Co-Chairman of the Commission, Rector of Holy Trinity Theological University in Addis Ababa, His Grace Archbishop Abuna Philippos of South Omo; Deputy Administrator of the Ethiopian Patriarchate, Archpriest Elias Abrha; Vice-Rector of Holy Trinity Theological University, Professor Archpriest Hailegabriel Girma; Dean of the Faculty of Distance Learning at Holy Trinity Theological University, Priest Gebrehanna Gebretsadik; Member of the Expert Council on Higher Education at the Ethiopian Patriarchate, Secretary of the Commission, Priest Daniel Seifemikhael.

Following the meeting, a joint communiqué was adopted, which stated that:

“The results of the Commission’s activities for the period since the previous meeting in Moscow on 11-16 February 2023 were reviewed. The Commission noted the firm commitment of the Primates and Holy Synods of both Churches to maintaining the continuous development of bilateral relations.”

The participants in the meeting emphasized the fundamental “importance of contacts and correspondence at the level of Primates, as well as expressions of mutual solidarity in difficult times.” The Commission welcomed the implementation of various joint initiatives during the reporting period, such as support for Russian-speaking believers in Ethiopia and Ethiopian believers in Russia, the visit of the academic delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church to Ethiopia in May 2023, the performance of the joint choir of the Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius and the Moscow Theological Academy in Addis Ababa during the celebration of the Exaltation of the Cross in September 2023, its concert at Holy Trinity University, and other projects.

The Commission discussed cooperation in the following areas:

I. Cooperation in the field of protection of Christians, including at the international level

The Russian Orthodox Church and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church believe that modern challenges, including the secularization of society, which takes the form of various anti-Christian campaigns and open persecution of Christians, can only be contained through the joint efforts of the Christian Churches.

In accordance with the determinations of previous meetings, the Commission unanimously confirmed the willingness of the two Churches to continue to provide mutual support at the international level.

The delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church expressed gratitude to the Ethiopian Church, which provided such support to representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate at international events where they were subjected to unfair discrimination caused by political reasons.

The members of the Commission from the Russian Orthodox Church informed their Ethiopian colleagues about the situation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, whose believers are being persecuted for their loyalty to church canons, especially after the decision of the Ukrainian authorities to ban it.

The parties emphasized the inviolability of the canonical order in church life and the unacceptability of any kind of schism and schismatic movements that create divisions in the Church through the dissemination of false teachings among believers. The Commission expressed deep concern that it is precisely our Churches that are today faced with the pernicious actions of schismatics.

Both Churches reject the use of the religious factor in political struggle, expressed in the incitement of hatred, discrimination and terrorist attacks directed at places sacred to believers.

Full readiness is confirmed to promote the active participation of the Orthodox and Ancient Eastern Churches in inter-Christian organizations and dialogues for the sake of joint witness to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Tradition of the Church.

The Commission noted the importance of deepening and strengthening ongoing mutual support and cooperation in the defence of our Churches.

The meeting participants discussed the upcoming celebrations in 2025 dedicated to the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea (325 A.D.), which are of great importance in bringing together friendly Churches of the Eastern Christian tradition.

II. Joint support of traditional moral values

It is obvious that the modern world is moving further and further away from traditional values ​​rooted in Christian morality, which is reflected in the prevalence of sinful behavior accepted by secular and, unfortunately, some Christian communities in the West. The discrediting of religion observed in modern society, its displacement from the framework of public life, is of great concern.

The members of the Commission draw attention to the growing number of abortions – legalized infanticide, the spread of the so-called gender ideology – attempts to erase the difference between men and women, the propaganda of various perverted phenomena that contradict God’s will. Under the false guise of “human rights”, the West seeks to destroy Christian values ​​and thereby undermine societies and churches.

The participants of the meeting noted that the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ethiopian Church maintain a strong commitment to traditional spiritual Christian values ​​and morality, including clearly expressing support for the original biblical understanding of marriage and family, and consider the principled adherence to this conviction as the basis for inter-Christian dialogue in general.

The Ethiopian members of the Commission spoke about the reaction of their Church to the recently adopted partnership agreement in Samoa between the EU and the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Organization, the provisions of which contradict fundamental Christian values ​​concerning the family and human nature [they contain demands for the legalization of abortion by EU partner states, recognition of the “LGBT movement” (the movement is banned in the Russian Federation), the introduction of “universal sexual education” and other ideological principles of the modern Western world – ed. ].

“The participants in the meeting expressed their intention to speak out unanimously against the destruction of traditional spiritual and moral values. Theological attempts to reconcile Christianity and sin must be rejected, which imposes on the Churches a great responsibility for a joint witness to true Christian morality. The Commission outlined plans for preparing a common response to these challenges and proposed establishing cooperation between the Church authorities responsible for the interpretation of moral teaching. The exchange of information, the positions taken by our Churches, and the experience in solving these problems should be the first step in this direction. In addition, the Commission assumed responsibility for developing a broader program of thematic cooperation.

III. Renewal of interaction in the academic sphere, theological education and student exchange programs

The members of the Commission discussed the ongoing academic cooperation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ethiopian Church. In particular, they noted the importance of the visit of the academic delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church to Ethiopia in 2023 and the significance of cooperation between His Grace Bishop Kirill and His Grace Archbishop Abune Philippos, who head the largest theological schools of the two Churches.

The Russian side confirmed its readiness to accept two students from the Ethiopian Church to study at the Moscow Theological Academy in the 2025-2026 academic year. The meeting participants decided to encourage cooperation in doctoral programs, professorial exchange, and publications in scientific journals. The parties noted the importance of finalizing the Memorandum of Cooperation, as well as creating a joint working group dedicated to the implementation of academic initiatives between the Moscow Theological Academy and Holy Trinity University. The members of the Commission agreed to work together in the field of distance learning in theological disciplines.

IV. Implementation of cooperation in the field of arts

One of the most relevant areas of cooperation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ethiopian Church is church art. According to the mutual opinion of the participants of the meeting, it is obvious that both Churches have significant achievements in this area. The members of the Commission discussed how this aspect of cooperation can practically contribute to the implementation of projects in the church-production sphere.

V. Cooperation in the field of humanitarian projects, social work and diaconia

The Ethiopian members of the Commission spoke about the humanitarian needs of the Ethiopian Church, which is facing difficulties due to natural disasters, internal conflicts and attacks on Christians in Ethiopia.

The members of the Commission from the Russian side expressed deep condolences to the Ethiopian people in connection with the recent natural disasters through the Ethiopian Church, which is taking the most direct part in overcoming the consequences of these events.

The delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church expressed gratitude for the opportunity to visit the Synodal Department for Children and Family Affairs of the Ethiopian Church and the church hospital “Migbare Senay”.

The parties agreed to establish a channel of communication and a mechanism for cooperation in the humanitarian sphere. It was also considered appropriate to facilitate direct contacts between the competent bodies of the two Churches responsible for social work and diaconia.

VI. Implementation of mutual visit programs

The Commission stressed the importance of mutual visits to strengthen relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ethiopian Church. Although some planned visits were postponed, the parties agreed to organize preparations for working visits to Russia by Ethiopian hierarchs, monastics, academics, artists and media delegations scheduled for 2025.

VII. Cooperation in the pastoral and missionary spheres

The Commission stated the importance of assisting in the pastoral care of Russian-speaking believers in Ethiopia and Ethiopian believers in Russia.

The members of the Commission from the Ethiopian Church thanked the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Martha and Mary Convent for their attention to the Ethiopian community in Russia, which in February 2023, with the blessing of His Grace Archbishop Abuna Philippos, was named in honor of the Holy Trinity.

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church expressed gratitude to the Ethiopian side for its support of the current restoration of the presence of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ethiopia.

While discussing projects in this area, the members of the Commission on the Russian side extended an invitation to the Ethiopian Church to send its representative to the conference on pastoral psychiatry in Moscow in November 2024.

The commission also discussed the current missionary activities of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ethiopian Church.

The representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate noted the uniqueness of the missionary experience of the Ethiopian Church, especially that of the South Omo Diocese headed by His Grace Archbishop Abuna Philippos. The Russian side also expressed a desire to send a special delegation to this diocese to become familiar with its activities. The Commission recognized the importance of organizing such a trip, including to study the life of the parishes and monasteries recently created in this region.

VIII. Development of pilgrimage programs in Russia and Ethiopia

Since Russia and Ethiopia, as the largest countries of the Eastern Christian world, have a long history of venerating holy places (such as the Ark of the Covenant in Axum, the rock churches of Lalibela, the monasteries on Lake Tana in Ethiopia, and the Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and Optina Pustyn in Russia), the Commission considered it appropriate to facilitate the organization of appropriate pilgrimage programs for the believers of the two Churches.

The Commission is authorized to carry out the necessary work to implement the planned activities in this direction.

Final Provisions

The members of the Commission give praise to the Lord Jesus Christ for the opportunity He has given to meet and confidentially discuss the current agenda of inter-church cooperation and its further development. The participants of the meeting express gratitude to His Holiness Patriarch Abune Matthias of Ethiopia for the blessing to hold this meeting and the personal audience given by His Holiness on September 24 at the administrative center of the Ethiopian Patriarchate in Addis Ababa.

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church thank His Grace Archbishop Abuna Philippos for the reception and hospitality he extended.

The results of the Commission’s activities will be submitted for approval to the Holy Synods and the Primates of both Churches.”

On September 23, representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate visited the recently opened women’s monastery in the name of the Holy Archangel Michael and Enlightener of the Ethiopian Land Tekle Haymanot in Bulbula (Addis Ababa region). This monastery was built as part of a special environmental project to develop and protect forest lands belonging to the Ethiopian Church. The delegation members communicated with the sisters of the monastery and became acquainted with various aspects of the life of Ethiopian monasticism.

On September 24, a meeting of the Commission members with His Holiness Patriarch Abuna Matthias I of Ethiopia took place.

During their stay in Ethiopia Addis Ababa, members of the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church also visited the Holy Trinity Theological University in Addis Ababa, the Synodal Department for Children and Family Affairs of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the church hospital “Migbare Senay” and the branch of the HPP “Sofrino” in Addis Ababa, and also took part in the celebration of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.


OCP News Service

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