Surb Vordvots Vorotman church of Istanbul renovated

28/12/2011 The renovation of Surb Vordvots Vorotman Armenian church of Istanbul is completed, Turkish Customs and Trade Minister Hayati Yazici said, according to news website. The church, closed since World War I, underwent restoration within the framework of the program “Istanbul: Capital of European Culture in 2010,” with Hayati Yazici in charge of the renovation works

28/12/2011 The renovation of Surb Vordvots Vorotman Armenian church of Istanbul is completed, Turkish Customs and Trade Minister Hayati Yazici said, according to news website. The church, closed since World War I, underwent restoration within the framework of the program “Istanbul: Capital of European Culture in 2010,” with Hayati Yazici in charge of the renovation works

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Surb Vordvots Vorotman church of Istanbul renovated

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