Repose of Righteous John of Kronstadt (1908)

2/1/2012 Moldovan Church Commemorated on December 20 and June 1 “Saint John of Kronstadt was a married priest, who lived with his wife in virginity. Through his untiring labours in his priestly duties and love for the poor and sinners, he was granted by our Lord great gifts of clairvoyance and miracle-working, to such a degree that in the last years of his life miracles of healings – both of body and of soul – were performed countless times each day through his prayers, often for people who had only written to him asking his help

2/1/2012 Moldovan Church Commemorated on December 20 and June 1 “Saint John of Kronstadt was a married priest, who lived with his wife in virginity. Through his untiring labours in his priestly duties and love for the poor and sinners, he was granted by our Lord great gifts of clairvoyance and miracle-working, to such a degree that in the last years of his life miracles of healings – both of body and of soul – were performed countless times each day through his prayers, often for people who had only written to him asking his help

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Repose of Righteous John of Kronstadt (1908)

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