Pope Tawadros II Receives Metropolitan Mor Yacoub Babawi, Patriarchal Vicar for Monastic Affairs of the Syriac Orthodox Church

Pope Tawadros II Receives Metropolitan Mor Yacoub Babawi, Patriarchal Vicar for Monastic Affairs of the Syriac Orthodox Church


Gerges Mounir Hanna – OCP News Service – 16/07/2024

Cairo – Egypt: On July 15, 2024, His Eminence the Venerable Pontiff Mar Jacob Babawi, Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Patriarchal Vicar for Monks Affairs, and Director of the Theological Seminary of Saint Ephrem the Syrian, visited His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Mark at the Patriarchal Residence in St. Mark’s Cathedral, Abbasiya – Cairo.

His Eminence was accompanied by Deacon Amjad Hazim, a graduate of St. Ephrem the Syrian Theological Seminary in Damascus, following his participation in the conference of the Association of Theological Colleges and Institutes in the Middle East (A.T.I.M.E.) as a representative of the seminary. The meeting was also attended by the Rev. Cyril Bishop Bishop Bishoy, Director of His Holiness’ Office.  The Pope, and Dr. Girgis Saleh, Honorary Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches.

His Holiness welcomed His Eminence very warmly and expressed his joy at the bishop’s first visit to him. He also checked on the conditions of the Church in Syria and Iraq, and learned in detail about the seminary in Damascus, its divisions, the method of its work, and how to prepare its students to be future shepherds of Antioch. He noted the activity of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Egypt.  With great efforts from those in charge of it, he confirmed the unity of the two sister churches.

For his part, His Eminence the Bishop expressed his great joy at this blessed visit, which reflected the reality of the caring fatherhood of His Holiness the Pope, through his interest in receiving and warm welcome. He also declared that he benefited from an unparalleled blessing from meeting the angel of Alexandria and the successor of the Apostle Mark the Evangelist.

Source: Coptic Orthodox Church

OCP News Service

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