Politics and culture continue to clash in Prizren

“] By Muhamet Brajshori for Southeast European Times in Pristina 01/12/11 Kosovo’s parliament refuses to adopt a law to preserve cultural monuments in Prizren’s historic centre, despite it originating in the Ahtisaari plan for independence. A draft law to regulate the protection of historical-cultural monuments in the centre of Prizren — a town in southern Kosovo with unitary status — continues to make a stir as opponents claim it gives the Serbian Orthodox Church “privileged status”. The Kosovo government adopted the law last February but parliament has steadfastly not done so, despite calls by Prime Minister Hashim Thaci to honour the country’s international obligations

“] By Muhamet Brajshori for Southeast European Times in Pristina 01/12/11 Kosovo’s parliament refuses to adopt a law to preserve cultural monuments in Prizren’s historic centre, despite it originating in the Ahtisaari plan for independence. A draft law to regulate the protection of historical-cultural monuments in the centre of Prizren — a town in southern Kosovo with unitary status — continues to make a stir as opponents claim it gives the Serbian Orthodox Church “privileged status”. The Kosovo government adopted the law last February but parliament has steadfastly not done so, despite calls by Prime Minister Hashim Thaci to honour the country’s international obligations

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Politics and culture continue to clash in Prizren

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