Patriarch emerges as “most vocal opposition”

19.10.2011 BELGRADE — The SPC patriarch has emerged as the most vocal opposition to the government on the issue of the EU and the conditions for continued integrations, says a daily. Belgrade-based Danas newspaper is writing that Patriarch Irinej’s strong statements about the EU and Kosovo are more radical that those voiced by most opposition parties, with the exception of the SRS, and that he stresses more forcefully the need to give up on Serbia’s European road.

19.10.2011 BELGRADE — The SPC patriarch has emerged as the most vocal opposition to the government on the issue of the EU and the conditions for continued integrations, says a daily. Belgrade-based Danas newspaper is writing that Patriarch Irinej’s strong statements about the EU and Kosovo are more radical that those voiced by most opposition parties, with the exception of the SRS, and that he stresses more forcefully the need to give up on Serbia’s European road.

Originally posted here:
Patriarch emerges as “most vocal opposition”

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