Orthodox Christianity In Czech and Slovakia Is Growing

Metropolitan Christopher of the Czech Republic and All Slovakia By Aimilios Polygenis 24/9/2011 Romfea.gr “The number of Orthodox in the Czech Republic is increasing every day,” said the Metropolitan Christopher of the Czech Republic and All Slovakia in an interview. His Beatitude the Metropolitan of Czech spoke of increased faith compared to other denominations in the country, saying that “many people from the former Soviet Union come to live here. Many Czechs come to be baptized Orthodox; the Orthodox Church is a refuge for all.” Moreover, Metropolitan Christopher said that “all Orthodox churches are full, even on holidays the people fill the church even going outside of it

Metropolitan Christopher of the Czech Republic and All Slovakia By Aimilios Polygenis 24/9/2011 Romfea.gr “The number of Orthodox in the Czech Republic is increasing every day,” said the Metropolitan Christopher of the Czech Republic and All Slovakia in an interview. His Beatitude the Metropolitan of Czech spoke of increased faith compared to other denominations in the country, saying that “many people from the former Soviet Union come to live here. Many Czechs come to be baptized Orthodox; the Orthodox Church is a refuge for all.” Moreover, Metropolitan Christopher said that “all Orthodox churches are full, even on holidays the people fill the church even going outside of it

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Orthodox Christianity In Czech and Slovakia Is Growing

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