Nazarbayev attends Easter service in Uspensky Cathedral

6/5/13 Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev visited Uspensky Cathedral, Kazakhstan’s major orthodox church, on Easter Sunday,  reports. “Dear fellow-countrymen, the whole Orthodox world is celebrating the most important holiday, the Easter, today. The Easter symbolizes renewal and rebirth and is important to our country that is reviving and becoming a better place, a new country where people of different ethnic groups and religious confessions live peacefully together

6/5/13 Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev visited Uspensky Cathedral, Kazakhstan’s major orthodox church, on Easter Sunday,  reports. “Dear fellow-countrymen, the whole Orthodox world is celebrating the most important holiday, the Easter, today. The Easter symbolizes renewal and rebirth and is important to our country that is reviving and becoming a better place, a new country where people of different ethnic groups and religious confessions live peacefully together

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Nazarbayev attends Easter service in Uspensky Cathedral

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