New 2013 Illustrated Wall Calendar with regard to 1700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan

15/12/12 With the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, the Publishing Foundation of the Serbian Orthodox Church printed the 2013 great wall calendar entitled Emperor Constantine the Great in visual memory of the Serbs Edict of Milan – act on religious tolerance – establishing that “Christians, as well as all others, without exception, are granted full authority and freedom to observe that religion which each preferred.” With its proclamation in 313, motivated by the vision and the victory he scored over Maxentius by the Milvian Bridge in Rome under the Standard of the Cross, Emperor Constantine led Christ’s disciples out of the catacombs, ending the persecutions, draconic punishments and sufferings to which they had been subjected. Not long after, Constantine’s mother Helena, a Christian, set off for Jerusalem, with the intention of finding the Cross on which the Lord was crucified

15/12/12 With the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, the Publishing Foundation of the Serbian Orthodox Church printed the 2013 great wall calendar entitled Emperor Constantine the Great in visual memory of the Serbs Edict of Milan – act on religious tolerance – establishing that “Christians, as well as all others, without exception, are granted full authority and freedom to observe that religion which each preferred.” With its proclamation in 313, motivated by the vision and the victory he scored over Maxentius by the Milvian Bridge in Rome under the Standard of the Cross, Emperor Constantine led Christ’s disciples out of the catacombs, ending the persecutions, draconic punishments and sufferings to which they had been subjected. Not long after, Constantine’s mother Helena, a Christian, set off for Jerusalem, with the intention of finding the Cross on which the Lord was crucified

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New 2013 Illustrated Wall Calendar with regard to 1700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan

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