2013 – Solemn Year of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen
o3/o1/13 – Romanian Orthodox Church 2013 – Solemn Year of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen and Commemorative Year of “Dumitru Staniloae” at the Romanian Patriarchate Following the initiative of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel taken during the working session of 25 October 2011, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church approved that the year 2013 should be declared Solemn Year of Saint Emperors Constantine and Helen at the anniversary of 1700 years since the Edict of religious tolerance of Milan (313). The Holy Synod Office worked out a church national frame programme for implementing the liturgical, cultural and media programme entitled 2013 – Solemn Year of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen atthe Romanian Patriarchate. - The state of the Roman Empire before the Edict of Milan – 313 (political, military and social crisis, persecution of the Christians and sufferance of the Christian Church etc.); - Edict of Milan (313) – tolerance and freedom for the Christian Church (conversion of Emperor Constantine the Great to the Christian religion, consequences of the Edict of Milan – Chart of the Christian freedom and religious tolerance etc.); - Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen (social and religious politics of Constantine the Great and the relations between State and Church, the church life at the time of Constantine the Great etc.)
o3/o1/13 – Romanian Orthodox Church 2013 – Solemn Year of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen and Commemorative Year of “Dumitru Staniloae” at the Romanian Patriarchate Following the initiative of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel taken during the working session of 25 October 2011, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church approved that the year 2013 should be declared Solemn Year of Saint Emperors Constantine and Helen at the anniversary of 1700 years since the Edict of religious tolerance of Milan (313). The Holy Synod Office worked out a church national frame programme for implementing the liturgical, cultural and media programme entitled 2013 – Solemn Year of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen atthe Romanian Patriarchate. – The state of the Roman Empire before the Edict of Milan – 313 (political, military and social crisis, persecution of the Christians and sufferance of the Christian Church etc.); – Edict of Milan (313) – tolerance and freedom for the Christian Church (conversion of Emperor Constantine the Great to the Christian religion, consequences of the Edict of Milan – Chart of the Christian freedom and religious tolerance etc.); – Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen (social and religious politics of Constantine the Great and the relations between State and Church, the church life at the time of Constantine the Great etc.)
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2013 – Solemn Year of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen