Jerusalem’s Armenians outraged as city approves Jews-only parking lot in Old City

By Nir Hasson 3/2/2012 For decades, the parking lot was open to all, though Jewish Quarter residents paid far less for a parking sticker than their Armenian neighbors. Armenian residents of Jerusalem’s Old City are protesting a municipal decision to designate a parking lot in the area solely for Jews, although part of it stands on land belonging to the Armenian Patriarchate

By Nir Hasson 3/2/2012 For decades, the parking lot was open to all, though Jewish Quarter residents paid far less for a parking sticker than their Armenian neighbors. Armenian residents of Jerusalem’s Old City are protesting a municipal decision to designate a parking lot in the area solely for Jews, although part of it stands on land belonging to the Armenian Patriarchate

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Jerusalem’s Armenians outraged as city approves Jews-only parking lot in Old City

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