Greek church leader says austerity ‘fatal’

By Derek Gatopoulos, Associated Press 2/2/2012 ATHENS, Greece — The leader of Greece’s Orthodox Church on Thursday warned rising poverty in the crisis-hit country could trigger a “social explosion,” as the government raced to push through more cost-cutting reforms needed to conclude debt deals and avoid a default in March. “Homelessness and even hunger — phenomena seen during (World War Two) — have reached nightmare proportions,” Ieronymos wrote in a letter to Prime Minister Lucas Papademos

By Derek Gatopoulos, Associated Press 2/2/2012 ATHENS, Greece — The leader of Greece’s Orthodox Church on Thursday warned rising poverty in the crisis-hit country could trigger a “social explosion,” as the government raced to push through more cost-cutting reforms needed to conclude debt deals and avoid a default in March. “Homelessness and even hunger — phenomena seen during (World War Two) — have reached nightmare proportions,” Ieronymos wrote in a letter to Prime Minister Lucas Papademos

Greek church leader says austerity ‘fatal’

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