General Congregation to elect three bishops, one of which to succeed Shenouda III

18/3/2012 Ahram Online The media advisor of the Egyptian Evangelical Church clarifies the process of choosing the successor of Pope Shenouda III. A General Congregation formed of The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church and the General Lay Council of the Church, which are part of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, will elect three runner finalists from several candidates, one of which is to succeed Pope Shenouda III who died on Saturday at the age of 88. “The names of the three bishops will be written on three papers, and a blindfolded child will randomly pick one of the papers.

18/3/2012 Ahram Online The media advisor of the Egyptian Evangelical Church clarifies the process of choosing the successor of Pope Shenouda III. A General Congregation formed of The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church and the General Lay Council of the Church, which are part of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, will elect three runner finalists from several candidates, one of which is to succeed Pope Shenouda III who died on Saturday at the age of 88. “The names of the three bishops will be written on three papers, and a blindfolded child will randomly pick one of the papers.

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General Congregation to elect three bishops, one of which to succeed Shenouda III

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