Christianity is world’s largest religion, says Pew Forum survey

By JohnThomas Didymus 20/12/2011 Christianity is the world’s largest religion, so says a new Pew Forum Survey called “Global Christianity.” According to the survey, about half of all the world’s Christians are Catholics, with Protestants accounting for 37%, and Orthodox Christians 12%. The Pew Forum reports about one-third of the world’s people, that is, 2.2 billion, are Christians and about one-third of the total number of Christians in the world live in the West. The countries with the largest Christian population are the U.S., Brazil and Mexico.

By JohnThomas Didymus 20/12/2011 Christianity is the world’s largest religion, so says a new Pew Forum Survey called “Global Christianity.” According to the survey, about half of all the world’s Christians are Catholics, with Protestants accounting for 37%, and Orthodox Christians 12%. The Pew Forum reports about one-third of the world’s people, that is, 2.2 billion, are Christians and about one-third of the total number of Christians in the world live in the West. The countries with the largest Christian population are the U.S., Brazil and Mexico.

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Christianity is world’s largest religion, says Pew Forum survey

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