Category: Ethiopia

Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE Society Signs MoU with Tewahedo Media Center (TMC)

OCP- May 26, 2023

OCP News Service – 26/05/2023 Global: An MoU was signed between the Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE (Pan-Orthodox Christian Society) and the Tewahedo Media Center (TMC) on ... Read More

The Ethiopian Holy Synod Reinstated 3 Archbishops and 20 Monks

OCP- March 30, 2023

ESG – OCP News Service – 30/03/2023 Addis Ababa- Ethiopia: The Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church on Thursday, March 30, 2023, lifted ... Read More

Archbishop Abune Aregawi of Dire-Dawa and Djibouti Enters Eternal Rest

OCP- March 22, 2023

ESG – OCP News Service – 22/03/2023 Addis Ababa- Ethiopia: His Grace Archbishop Abune Aregawi Head of External Relations of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, Head ... Read More

Abune Basilios of Kidane Meheret Monastery Enters Eternal Rest

OCP- March 11, 2023

ESG – OCP News Service – 11/03/2023 Addis Ababa- Ethiopia:  His Grace Abune Basilios the Third, the Head of the Monastery of Kidane Meheret in ... Read More

Ethiopia Celebrated Tenth Enthronement Anniversary of Abune Mathias

OCP- March 4, 2023

ESG – OCP News Service – 04/03/2023 Addis Ababa- Ethiopia:  The 10th anniversary of the enthronement of His Holiness Abune Mathias as the Patriarch of ... Read More

Patriarch Kirill of Russia Congratulated Abuna Mathias on his 10th Anniversary of Enthronement

OCP- March 4, 2023

OCP News Service – 04/03/2023 Moscow – Russia: His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia congratulated His Holiness Patriarch Abune Mathias of Ethiopia ... Read More

Abune Yohannes of Saint Frumentius Theological College in Mekele Enters Eternal Rest

OCP- February 28, 2023

EOTC TV ESG – OCP News Service – 28/02/2023 Addis Ababa- Ethiopia: His Grace Abune Yohannes who was the head of Saint Michael's Cathedral and ... Read More

The Second Meeting of the Commission for Dialogue between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ethiopian Church Held at Moscow

OCP- February 20, 2023 DECR - OCP News Service – 18/02/2023 Moscow – Russia: The Second Meeting of the Commission for Dialogue between the Russian Orthodox Church ... Read More

Unity Reinstated in The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

OCP- February 16, 2023

Archdeacon Tesfa Mikael Williams (OCP Ethiopian Affairs) – OCP News Service – 15/02/2023 Ethiopia: The Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church has released ... Read More

DECR Chairman Sent a Letter of Support to the Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

OCP- February 11, 2023

OCP News Service – 11/02/2023 Moscow – Russia: Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, sent ... Read More