Category: Bulgarian Orthodox

Living Museum in Koprivshtitsa Resurrects Bulgaria’s Revival Period

OCP- August 13, 2011

12/8/2011 A new living museum in Bulgaria’s Koprivshtitsa – the town which gave the start of the 1876 April Uprising against the Ottoman Empire – ... Read More

Bulgarian Iron Church’s Restoration in Istanbul Starts in August

OCP- July 20, 2011

19/7/2011 The Istanbul Municipality and the provincial administration have joined efforts to restore the Bulgarian “St. Read More

Crowds Queue for a Miracle of St Maximus

OCP- July 4, 2011

Photo Emona Tsoncheva 3/7/2011 Clergymen from different bishoprics attended the ceremony marking the 40th anniversary since the enthronement of Patriarch Maxim, Head of the Bulgarian ... Read More

Bulgarian Church Marks 40 Years Since Its Patriarch’s Enthronement

OCP- July 3, 2011

3/6/2011 An official solemn mass marking the 40th anniversary of the enthronement of Bulgarian Patriarch Maxim is being held in Sofia’s Alexander Nevski cathedral Sunday. ... Read More

Bulgarian Orthodox Church Honors Batak Martyrs for 1st Time

OCP- May 16, 2011

16/5/2011 The holy relics of the Bulgarian Batak martyrs will be taken out of the Sveta Nedeliya church in the town for the first time ... Read More

Bulgarian PM Vows Support for Orthodox Church

obl- April 15, 2011

14/4/2011 Bulgaria’s Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, met Thursday with the members of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, the cabinet press office informs. ... Read More

Bulgarian Church Canonizes Victims of Ottoman Atrocities in 1876

obl- April 5, 2011

3/4/2011 The Bulgarian Orthodox Church has canonized the martyrs of massacres committed against Bulgarian civilians by Ottoman irregulars and troops in the April Uprising of ... Read More

Bulgarian Church Canonizes Batak Massacre Victims

OCP- April 3, 2011

2/4/2011 The Bulgarian Orthodox Church will canonize over Saturday and Sunday those massacred by Ottoman forces in Batak and Novo Selo during the 1876 April ... Read More

Orthodox Churches in the Indian Sub Continent and South East Asia

obl- March 28, 2011

The Holy Chinese Orthodox Martyrs of the Boxer Rebellion March 2011 The following article tries to discus an account of the presence of Orthodox Churches ... Read More

Orthodox Nativity Celebrations Worldwide – Snaps

obl- January 6, 2011

Photos of Orthodox Christian Nativity Celebrations Worldwide. Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas mainly on 25th of December, 6th and 7th of January. Read More