“Burning the Holy Book is Not Part of Freedom of Speech” : Archbishop Leo of Finland

“Burning the Holy Book is Not Part of Freedom of Speech” : Archbishop Leo of Finland

Finish Orthodox ChurchOCP News Service – 29/07/2023

Helsinki – Finland: Archbishop Leo of Helsinki and the whole of Finland, through his statement on July 28, 2023, expressed his protest against burning holy books as part of freedom of Speech. The archbishop also stated the need for mutual respect between people from various cultures and religions. Archbishop noted “When the holy book of a religious community is burned, more than a symbol or words on paper burn in the flames. It dispassionately breaks down the core parts of a person’s identity and personal hope. At the same time, the starting points of mutual respect and trust are also destroyed”.

The statement reads as:

In Sweden, the court recently granted permission for a performance in which the holy book of Islam, the Koran, was torn up and burned in front of Stockholm’s central mosque. The organizer of the event did not see his actions as problematic but stated: ” What is sacred to some does not necessarily have to be sacred to others ” (HS 28.6).

The international community has not unanimously condemned the act, as it has been considered to be within the scope of freedom of speech.

As the leader of the Eastern Christian Church, which is a minority in our country, I cannot accept such an interpretation of freedom of speech. 

When the holy book of a religious community is burned, more than a symbol or words on paper burn in the flames. It dispassionately breaks down the core parts of a person’s identity and personal hope. At the same time, the starting points of mutual respect and trust are also destroyed.

In Finland, so far we have been able to do better and we are protected by the law against violating religious peace. However, there is no reason to be proud: we too have recently seen how racist comments are defended with freedom of speech. 

Contrary to what many people think, unity and community between people is not created by sameness, but by mutual respect. I would add that it is only by respecting others that we can maintain our self-respect and earn the respect of others as well. 

Orthodox Christianity and Islam have common roots in the Middle East, where the borders of religion and cultures have been spread over the soil of societies like an oriental carpet. We share a common vision of the oneness of God based on the holy books and emphasizing the importance of prayer and fasting.

A blind silkworm cannot see the fruit of its work, the beautifully patterned carpet, and its rich color palette. But we who see must appreciate it with gratitude.

Archbishop of Helsinki and all of Finland


OCP News Service & Finish Orthodox Church

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