Archimandrite Dositej (Radivojević) Consecrated as Bishop of Lipjan – Vicar of the Serbian Patriarch
OCP News Service – 11/12/2022
Belgrade-Serbia: Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia consecrated Archimandrite Dositej (Radivojević) as the Bishop of Lipjan and the Vicar of the Serbian Patriarch on December 12th, 2022 at the Cathedral of Saint Sava in Belgrade.
The consecration was attended by members of the Serbian holy synod, religious leaders, and faithfuls.
Archimandrite Dositej was born in Ljig in 1971 to Miroslav Radivojević (blacksmith) and Nada (homemaker). Bishop Dositejwas elected as vicar of the Serbian Patriarch with the title of Bishop of Lipjan at the Assembly of Bishops that was held in May 2022.
OCP News Service
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