Birthday Greetings to His Holiness Ignatious Zakka 1st

His Holiness Zakka I Iwas Patriarch of Antioch and All the East - 122nd successor of St.Peter in the Apostolic See of Antioch Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch and All East 21/4/2012 Damascus: His Holiness Ignatious Zakka 1st, Patriarch of Universal Syrian Orthodox Church celebrates 80th Birthday on 21st April 2012. Lord grant Many years to His Holiness Patriach Ignatious Zakka 1st of Antioch and All East. Read Biography: Source: OCP News Service

His Holiness Zakka I Iwas Patriarch of Antioch and All the East – 122nd successor of St.Peter in the Apostolic See of Antioch Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch and All East 21/4/2012 Damascus: His Holiness Ignatious Zakka 1st, Patriarch of Universal Syrian Orthodox Church celebrates 80th Birthday on 21st April 2012. Lord grant Many years to His Holiness Patriach Ignatious Zakka 1st of Antioch and All East. Read Biography: Source: OCP News Service

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Birthday Greetings to His Holiness Ignatious Zakka 1st

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