Monastery that gives worldly blessings

HEGUMENESS STEFANA By Natalia MALIMON, The Day, Volyn oblast 3/2/2012 NOT FOR NUNS, BUT FOR CHILDREN Thousand years ago the Orthodox Monastery was only a spiritual center for village of Zymne, today people come here looking for ways to solve worldly problems. The students and teachers of Zymne school waited for this winter again with fear, not because people in Volyn region have already forgotten about those frosty winters, the kind we had when I was still a child and when in the morning in order to come out of a house a grown-up had to dig a tunnel in snowdrifts of person’s height. Even the winters that we now have in our region can cause stinging pains in fingers of school students.

HEGUMENESS STEFANA By Natalia MALIMON, The Day, Volyn oblast 3/2/2012 NOT FOR NUNS, BUT FOR CHILDREN Thousand years ago the Orthodox Monastery was only a spiritual center for village of Zymne, today people come here looking for ways to solve worldly problems. The students and teachers of Zymne school waited for this winter again with fear, not because people in Volyn region have already forgotten about those frosty winters, the kind we had when I was still a child and when in the morning in order to come out of a house a grown-up had to dig a tunnel in snowdrifts of person’s height. Even the winters that we now have in our region can cause stinging pains in fingers of school students.

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Monastery that gives worldly blessings

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