Romanian Patriarchate to Intensify Anti-Trafficking Activities
OCP News Service – 19/10/21
Bucharest-Romania: The Romanian Patrirachte seeks to intensify Anti-Trafficking activities reports Basilica news agency. A recent report states that 74% of the total human trafficking victims are from Romania. On the 18th of October in a statement, the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) urged member countries to tackle and counter technology-assisted human trafficking. The Council also urged to consider the best of the interests of victims while designing and using technological tools to combat trafficking in human beings.
The Romanian Patriarchate is already engaged in a number of activities. In October 2020, the Patriarchate signed a protocol with the Ministry of Interior (through ANITP) and the Capital City Hall, to counter human trafficking activities. The Patriarchate has also joined hands with the International Justice Mission, to publish information materials for priests and believers. In the coming months, the Patriarchate hopes to intensify activities to tackle one of the most dreadful issues in Romania.
OCP News Service
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