Dormition Cathedral of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Passed into Permanent Use of Ukrainian Orthodox Church

On June 10, in the course of the session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the Decree “On Introduction of Changes to Paragraph One of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 9, 2001, N 1005”. This document regulates the order of use of the religious buildings -famous monuments of architecture, which are not subject to passing into the permanent use of the religious organizations.

According to the latest amendments, the Holy Dormition Cathedral of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra passed into permanent use of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

For the record. According to the previous version of the Resolution “the liturgical services in this church were held on the days of the Twelve Great Feasts, great Church feasts, days of the special commemoration of the deceased, the jubilee and memorial dates, and prominent state and church events.”


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